up Version >= 1

Terminal Settlement


T-WEB Server T-WEB Login URL API Endpoint
www https://www.tweb.com.au/v2/ https://publicapi.tweb.com.au/v1/SettleTerminal
www2 https://www2.tweb.com.au/v2/ https://publicapi2.tweb.com.au/v1/SettleTerminal
test https://test.tweb.ttfuel.com/v2/ https://test-publicapi.tweb.ttfuel.com/v1/SettleTerminal


The endpoint only accepts HTTP POST requests. The following POST parameters must be included with the request:

Field Type Required Field Description
SettlementDate string Yes A date in the format 'yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss'
Amount decimal Yes The settlement amount with 3 decimal places precision
CurrencyCode string Yes Three character ISO 4217 currency code (I.e. 'AUD' for Australian dollars)
NumberOfDebits integer Yes The number of debits
SequenceNumber string No The terminal's settlement sequence number (aka batch number)
LocationID integer Yes The refuelling site's location Id
TerminalID string Yes The terminal Id (8 characters max.) (Terminal serial number)
TargetID string No Optional client reference Id (100 characters max.) Must only contain characters a-z, A-Z, 0-9 and _

Request Examples


curl -X POST https://test-publicapi.tweb.ttfuel.com/v1/SettleTerminal
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' 
-d '{
	"SettlementDate":"2023-05-26 21:53:10",


curl -X POST https://test-publicapi.tweb.ttfuel.com/v1/SettleTerminal
-H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
 --data-urlencode 'AccessToken=8B2E3355EC424FD01A01DBF043DA9C7016098502'
 --data-urlencode 'SettlementDate=2023-05-26 21:53:10'
 --data-urlencode 'Amount=123456.78'
 --data-urlencode 'CurrencyCode=AUD'
 --data-urlencode 'NumberOfDebits=31'
 --data-urlencode 'SequenceNumber=586'
 --data-urlencode 'LocationID=97538'
 --data-urlencode 'TerminalID=24987516'
 --data-urlencode 'TargetID=c4Kv_jsV_6DeIuDuR'


The response from the authorisation endpoint has the following JSON format:

Example 1:

Method: SettleTerminal
    "Error": {
        "Code": 0,
        "Status": "OK"
    "Data": {
        "Meta": {
            "Title": "Terminal Settlement",
            "TotalRecords": 1,
            "Endpoint": "/v1/SettleTerminal",
            "TargetID": "c4Kv_jsV_6DeIuDuR",
            "Hash": "1DB559C5CB35230C9DCAE3274932DD4D01EC4294"
        "Items": [
                "SettlementDate": "2023-05-26 21:53:10",
                "Amount": 123456.78,
                "CurrencyCode": "AUD",
                "NumberOfDebits": 31,
                "SequenceNumber": "586",
                "LocationID": 97538,
                "TerminalID": "24987516"

Example 2:

Method: SettleTerminal
    "Error": {
        "Code": 4920,
        "Status": "Terminal ID Cant Be Blank"
    "Data": {
        "Meta": {
            "Title": "Terminal Settlement",
            "Endpoint": "/v1/SettleTerminal",
            "TargetID": "c4Kv_jsV_6DeIuDuR",
            "Hash": "DA39A3EE5E6B4B0D3255BFEF95601890AFD80709"
        "Items": []

Response Format

Field Type Description
Code integer 0 if the call to FinalizePaymentWithFuelCard was successful otherwise an error code in the range 4900-4999 representing a specific error
Status string Description of error
Title string Endpoint Title
TargetID string Optional client reference Id (100 characters max.) Must only contain characters a-z, A-Z, 0-9 and _
SettlementDate string A date in the format 'yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss'
Amount decimal The settlement amount with 3 decimal places precision
CurrencyCode string Three character ISO 4217 currency code (I.e. 'AUD' for Australian dollars)
NumberOfDebits integer The number of debits
SequenceNumber string The terminal's settlement sequence number (aka batch number)
LocationID integer The refuelling site's location Id
TerminalID string The terminal Id (8 characters max.) (Terminal serial number)

The Error JSON property is included in all responses from the TWeb Public API. The possible responses during authorisation are:

Error Code Error Name Notes
0 OK  
1 Server Error Unhandled error occurs during processing
4000 Rate Limit Exceeded This is the second request within a 1 second period.
4911 Location Id can't be blank  
4912 No refuelling site found for this location Id  
4918 Gateway request timeout  
4920 Terminal Id can't be blank  
4928 Invalid Currency Code The currency code must be a valid ISO 4217 code