up Version >= 2.1.18

Creating a New Report Template

TWeb has a report template system which enables users to present their data exactly as it is needed. The following areas are configurable:

  • Fields - the individual item information (table column) that is shown in the report, and in which order, the items appear
  • Groups - the fields that are groups in the report, and the corresponding totals for each group (eg. sum, average, etc)
  • Summary Table - this is an optional second table following on from the main report table that summarises all of the report data

Each of these areas are discussed in further detail in the following sections. If the Running a Report article has not been read, or the user is unfamiliar with reports in TWeb, it is recommended that this article is read before continuing with this article.

Creating a new Template

Firstly, determine the type of data that is to be viewed in the report - for example, Transaction data, Access ID data, Inventory data, etc. These categories of data are called Sources and are listed in the Report Sources table:

Report Sources List
The Report Sources Table

Select a data Source, click the Add button to create a new template and give the new template a Name and Description:

Selecting Fields for the Template

Click on the Fields tab and then drag across the fields that are required in the template:

Fields may also be added using the '+' button:

To remove a field, so that it no longer appears in the report, then simply select it from the list on the right and click the 'x' button:

Rearrange the fields into the order that they should appear in the report. The top field in the list will become the leftmost field in the report, and the bottom field in the list will become the rightmost field. Rearrange the fields either by dragging, or by using the 'up' and 'down' arrow buttons:

Fields may be renamed and numerical formats assigned:

Add Groups to the Template

By grouping fields data may be gathered together, either for aggregation (eg. calculating a total) or for presentation. Groupings are completely optional, so if not required, this section can be skipped.

Click on the Groupings tab, and then drag across the fields that are required in the template:

If you require totals, then assign totals to the groups. This is done by first clicking on the grouping field and then dragging (or adding) fields to the totals area:

Add a Summary Table

A Summary Table renders the results of calculations on all the report's data. It is displayed in a second table below the main report. Summary Tables are completely optional so if not required, this section can be skipped.

Click on the Summary Table tab, and then drag across the fields on which the calculations are to be performed. For example, in the report shown, the total quantity of fuel for all the transactions in the report is required, and also, the total number of transaction records in the report:

Rename the Header Text and assign Summary Types as required:

Saving the report

To save the new template, scroll back up to the template area and click the Save button:

The report can now be run, as described in the Running a Report article.